【展示】The Violet Brained in Ginza, Tokyo Yuya Yoshimatsu 1st EXPO“Yuya Yoshimatsu by pen public”
銀座 蔦屋書店 インフォメーションカウンター前 2023年06月24日(土) - 07月21日(金)
今回で5回目となる"The Violet Brained"は、これまで京都、台湾、福岡、東京代官山にて開催。そして今回より名義をYuya Yoshimatsuとし、初の展示会を銀座にて行う。
これまでpen publicとして、現在進行形でもある油画制作と、ミューラルアートやグラフィティ、様々な店舗やブランドのアートディレクション、アパレル・グラフィックデザイン等を手がけるなど、自身の表現とクライアントワークによる表現の両立を行ってきた。さらにpen publicとして彼が所属する福岡を拠点とした総合コレクティブ"CCS records."では、ミュージシャンやコレクティブ内のアートディレクターとしての側面も見せ、国内外問わず多岐に渡り活動の幅を広げている。

The 5th "The Violet Brained" was be held in Kyoto, Taiwan, Fukuoka, and Daikanyama, Tokyo. And from now on, he changed his name to “Yuya Yoshimatsu” and will hold his first solo exhibition in Ginza. He had worked on both his own expression and client work, of course oil painting, and mural art, graffiti, art direction for various stores and brands, and graphic design for apparel ;as pen public.Therefore he's expanding his activities both domestically and internationally.In addition, he is also a member of Fukuoka-based comprehensive collective "CCS records" as pen public and he is musician and art director of them.In the future, he will change the artist name of his own painting activities to his real name and will pursue self-expression more defiantly.
The works exhibited this time are experimental creations in the oil painting production that he has been doing continuously since 2022 last year.
The unconsciously enumerated colored lines drawn by him create a coincidence as a result of the accumulation of time he spent creating a piece. And it refers to the harmony on a canvas that all the lines weave and the fact that "An objects just exist in this world" that is far from language and identity.
The works created in this way has no language or emotion, and becomes just an object with only the accidental fact of "the number of lines", and his creative activities occur by arranging them in space. It is a pursuit activity for "the identity of the space in which we live".
The unconsciously enumerated colored lines drawn by him create a coincidence as a result of the accumulation of time he spent creating a piece. And it refers to the harmony on a canvas that all the lines weave and the fact that "An objects just exist in this world" that is far from language and identity.
The works created in this way has no language or emotion, and becomes just an object with only the accidental fact of "the number of lines", and his creative activities occur by arranging them in space. It is a pursuit activity for "the identity of the space in which we live".
Yuya Yoshimatsu

銀座 蔦屋書店店頭・アートのオンラインマーケットプレイス「OIL by 美術⼿帖」にて、下記の通り販売いたします。
- 会期 2023年6月24日(土) - 2023年7月21日(金)※終了日は変更になる場合があります。
- 時間 当店Webサイトをご確認ください。
- 場所 銀座 蔦屋書店 インフォメーションカウンター前
- 主催 銀座 蔦屋書店
- 問い合わせ先 03-3575-7755