
蔦屋書店2号館 1階 建築・デザインフロア 2019年07月01日(月) - 07月31日(水)
これらの作品は、2018年すみだ北斎美術館で開催された『ちょっと可笑しな三十六景 しりあがり寿、北斎と戯れる』展のために制作されたもので、これは稀代のアーティスト葛飾北斎の代表作『冨嶽三十六景』全46点すべてをしりあがり寿がパロディにした画期的な試みでした。


Shiriagari Kotobuki had produced the series of paintings for the exhibition Hommage à Hokusai, Nearly Thirty-six Mischiefs of Shiriagari Kotobuki in the Sumida Hokusai Museum. This was an epoch-making attempt by Shiriagari to make parody of all 46 paintings from Hokusai Katsushika's masterpiece Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji.
We made some products from the selection of the works, with the thought of wanting wider range of people to enjoy the world of Hokusai.
Let's play with Hokusai, Old Man Crazy to Paint!


近年ではオフィシャル公認のオマージュ・パロディとして、『THE ドラえもん展』『サザエさん生誕70年記念展』『ウルトラセブン展』『テヅコミ(手塚治虫原作コミック)』『すみだ北斎美術館』などに、独自の解釈とユーモアを交えた作品を発表している。

2000年 漫画『時事おやじ2000』(アスペクト)、『ゆるゆるオヤジ』(文藝春秋)/第46回文藝春秋漫画賞 受賞。
2001年 漫画『弥次喜多 in DEEP』(エンターブレイン)/第5回手塚治虫文化賞 マンガ優秀賞 受賞。
2011年 漫画『あの日からのマンガ』(エンターブレイン)/第15回文化庁メディア芸術祭 マンガ部門 優秀賞 受賞。
2013年 CMアニメ『赤城乳業 BLACK シリーズ』/第50回ギャラクシー賞CM部門 優秀賞、第53回ACC賞テレビCM部門 ACCシルバー 受賞。
2014年 平成26年春の叙勲 紫綬褒章 受章

オフィシャルサイト:ほーい!さるやまハゲの助 http://www.saruhage.com/

Born in 1958 in Shizuoka City, Japan. In 1985, he debuted as a cartoonist with the book Ereki na Haru, receiving attention as a new type of gag cartoonist whose humor centers on parody.
Shiriagari continues to release fantasy and literary series works and other works in a wide range of genres, including satirical four-panel comic strips for newspapers and long-form narrative manga, as well as underground manga.
His famous manga works are Ryusei Kacho, Hige no OL Yabuuchi Hisako, Chikyu Bouei Ke no Hitobito, Mayonaka no Yaji-san Kita-san, Ano Hi kara no Manga, and so on.
While continuing to release original work, he has expanded beyond manga into a variety of media, including video, anime and art. And he has been invented to or participated in planning exhibitions of manga and contemporary arts outside of Japan, such as Germany, Indonesia, Netherlands, United Kingdom, France and China.
In recent years, he participated in The Doraemon Exhibition, The 70th Anniversary of Sazae-san: The Best of Machiko Hasegawa, 70 Creators' Seven (tribute to ultra seven exhibition),Tezu Comi (adaptation works from Osamu Tzuka's manga) and The Sumida Hokusai Museum. He has presented works with his own interpretation and humor as officially authorized homage and parody.

2000 46th Annual Bungeishunju Manga Award for two books, Jiji Oyaji 2000 (Aspect Corporation) and Yuruyuru Oyaji (Bungeishunju Ltd.)
2001 Award for Excellence in Comic Art Performance, 5th Annual Osamu Tezuka Culture Award for the book Yajikita in DEEP (Enterbrain Inc.)
2011 Award for Excellence in Manga, 15th Japan Media Arts Festival for the book Ano Hi kara no Manga (Enterbrain Inc.)
2013 Award for Excellence in TV Commercials, 50th Galaxy Award and ACC Silver Award for TV Commercials, 53rd ACC Awards for Akagi Nyugyo Co., Ltd. BLACK Series
2014 Receive the Medal with Purple Ribbon, Spring 2014

Official website ; http://www.saruhage.com/
  • 会期 2019年7月1日(月)~2019年7月31日(水)
  • 時間 7:00~深夜2:00(営業時間)
  • 場所 蔦屋書店2号館 1階 建築・デザインフロア
  • 主催 代官山 蔦屋書店
  • 問い合わせ先 03-3770-2525





