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  4.  > I’m So Happy You Are Here: Japanese Women Photographers from the 1950s to Nowの商品詳細
  • I’m So Happy You Are Here: Japanese Women Photographers from the 1950s to Now
  • I’m So Happy You Are Here: Japanese Women Photographers from the 1950s to Now
  • I’m So Happy You Are Here: Japanese Women Photographers from the 1950s to Now
  • I’m So Happy You Are Here: Japanese Women Photographers from the 1950s to Now
  • I’m So Happy You Are Here: Japanese Women Photographers from the 1950s to Now
  • I’m So Happy You Are Here: Japanese Women Photographers from the 1950s to Now
  • I’m So Happy You Are Here: Japanese Women Photographers from the 1950s to Now
  • I’m So Happy You Are Here: Japanese Women Photographers from the 1950s to Now
  • I’m So Happy You Are Here: Japanese Women Photographers from the 1950s to Now
  • I’m So Happy You Are Here: Japanese Women Photographers from the 1950s to Now
  • I’m So Happy You Are Here: Japanese Women Photographers from the 1950s to Now

I’m So Happy You Are Here: Japanese Women Photographers from the 1950s to Now

著者: 原美樹子、ヒロミックス、石川真生、石内都、片山真理、川内倫子、小松浩子、今道子、長島有里枝、楢橋朝子、蜷川実花、西村多美子、野口里佳、野村佐紀子、岡部桃、岡上淑子、オノデラユキ、澤田知子、志賀理江子、杉浦邦恵、多和田有希、常盤とよ子、潮田登久子、渡辺眸、山沢栄子、やなぎみわ

取扱店舗:銀座 蔦屋書店

販売価格 ¥12,930 (税込 ¥14,223




2024年7月1日~9月29日に開催のフランスのアルル国際写真フェステイバルを皮切りに、約4年かけて世界各地を巡回する予定の国際巡回展「I’m So Happy You Are Here: Japanese Women Photographers from the 1950s to Now」。日本の女性写真家を取り上げたこの大規模な国際プロジェクトにあわせて刊行された本書は、1950年代から現在までの世代を超えた全26名のアーティストを紹介しています。

レスリー・A・マーティン(Printed Matter エグゼクティブディレクター)、竹内万里子(写真批評家/京都芸術大学 教授)、ポーリーヌ・ヴェルマーレ(ブルックリン美術館写真部門キュレーター)のキュレーションによる本展は、繊細かつ大胆な日常生活の観察、日本社会における日本人女性が担ってきた役割に対する批評的な視点、そして写真という形式の実験と拡張という3つの主要なモチーフを織り交ぜています。マーク・フューステルとラセット・レダーマンによる詳細な図版付き参考文献目録と、笠原美智子、福のり子など、日本を代表するキュレーター、批評家、歴史家の寄稿も充実。日本と日本の写真に対する多角的な視点を得るうえで欠かせない1冊といえます。


『I’m So Happy You Are Here: Japanese Women Photographers from the 1950s to Now』
I’m So Happy You Are Here presents a much-needed counterpoint, complement, and challenge to historical precedents and the established canon of Japanese photography. This restorative history presents a wide range of photographic approaches brought to bear on the lived experiences and perspectives of women in Japanese society. Editors Pauline Vermare and Lesley A. Martin, curator and writer Takeuchi Mariko, and photo-historians Carrie Cushman and Kelly Midori McCormick provide a critical historical and contemporary framework for understanding the work in three richly illustrated essays. Additional context is provided by an in-depth illustrated bibliography by Marc Feustel and Russet Lederman, and a selection of key critical writings from leading Japanese curators, critics, and historians such as Kasahara Michiko, Fuku Noriko, and others, many of which will be published in translation for the first time. While this book does not claim to be fully comprehensive or encyclopedic, its goal is to provide a solid foundation for a more thorough conversation about the contributions of Japanese women to photography?and an indispensable resource for anyone interested in a more robust history of Japanese photography.


発売日 発売中


製品仕様 ハードカバー/H285 × W215 mm/440p(掲載作品518点)



¥12,930 税込 ¥14,223